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  • How to book a stay with Hotel De La Joie ?
    There are a few options! Book Online at Call Us at +232 88 068 or 170 +232 78 869828 Email Us at
  • Is there transportation from the airport?
    The hotel does not offer any transportation, but please find a list of services below.. Airport and Freetown are separated by the Sierra Leone River. There are several options for crossing this waterway... Water Taxi - Sea Coach Express, Sea Bird Express Private Ferries By Road - 4+ hour drive If you have more questions please contact us!
  • Are pets allowed ?
    No pets are allowed
  • Non-Smoking Policy
    We are a smoke-free property. Smoking is prohibited in all rooms, on all balconies and common areas
  • Check In/ Check Out Policy
    Check In time begins at 12:30pm If you would like to check in earlier, please call us on the day of arrival to see if your room is ready. Check-out is at 12:30pm If you do not check out by 12:30pm, you will be charged the daily rate.
  • How do I cancel a reservation?
    If you booked a reservation over the phone, or online, then you will need to call us to cancel.
  • How do I make changes to a reservation?
    If you need to make changes to your reservation–changing dates, room type, etc.–please give us a call at +232 88 068 170 or +232 78 869828 and we will be happy to assist you.
  • Do you have rollaway beds or cots available?
    At this time we do not. Please review our maximum number of people permitted list.
  • Do you have a resturant?
    Yes we have a resturant! We offer free breakfast for guest and an extensive menu for lunch and dinner
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